Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee

    17 January 2022  


Report of the Chief Operating Officer


Pension or Exit Discretion


1.    This report advises the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee of the expenditure associated with pension or exit discretions in accordance with council policy for noting.


2.    The background and detailed case surrounding each proposal are contained in the individual business cases attached as confidential annexes to this report.

3.    All of the proposed pension or exit discretions have been subject to consultation in accordance with the Council’s statutory obligations.

4.    In accordance with the updated discretions policy the S151 officer has approved the attached business cases. The Committee has the power within the Council’s procedures to approve discretionary enhancements to redundancy.  The Committee does not have the power to make lower payments.  By law the decisions as to whether or not to make an employee redundant rests with the Chief Operating Officer or Officers nominated by him.


5.    The analysis of each proposal can be found in the respective business case, however the information below provides an overview. 


Costs to CYC



B (as per Annex B)





Council Plan

6.    Whilst the actions being proposed in the report are not material to the Council Plan they are consistent with the required outcomes of the Organisation Development Plan.


7.    The implications of each proposal can be found in the respective business case.

Risk Management

8.    The specific risks associated with each proposal and how they can be mitigated are contained in each business case. In summary, the risks associated with the recommended option are financial, legal, operational and reputational.


9.    Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee is asked to:

        Note the expenditure associated with each proposal as detailed in the annexes.

Reason:       In order to provide an overview of expenditure.


Contact Details


Helen Whiting

Head of HR

Human Resources

Ext  1622


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Ian Floyd

Chief Operating Officer





Report Approved



06 January 2022





Specialist Implications Officer(s):

Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all




For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers:






Annex A – Confidential Business Case